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Everything about the open source search form

June 24, 2020blogLess than 1 minute

Everything about the open source search form

With the open source search form you have the possibility to search easily in different areas of the project information. Currently you can choose between the project name, the abstract and the tags. To simplify searching, we have introduced search-badges. You can reach them by typing “/” in the search bar.

Use the OS search with slash commands

There are different ways to fill the form, depending on your preference.

After typing “/” an auto-complete function is available. You can select an entry with the mouse or the arrow keys. In order not to interrupt your flow of writing, the topmost element of the drop-down list is immediately taken over using the space bar.

After you have selected a search badge, you can enter your search term there. By pressing the space bar you jump back to the main search form or using Esc to cancel the search within the search badge.

Each search badge can be removed using either the x-button or backspace key.

By clicking on the search-badge you can edit the keyword.

Keywords you enter in the main search form directly will be looked up in the project abstract.

You will start the search by pressing Enter or clicking on the search button.

Tip: The all-search-badge is helpful if you are not sure whether you will find anything matching your search term.